
Thank you for stopping by and looking at my work….


Thank you for taking a look through my work, I hope you like what you have seen so far.

My father taught me to shoot and process film in our home darkroom when I was less than ten years old, leading me to embark on a career in which I live my passion every day.

Our team begin the creative process by gathering material that inspires and drives the client. Combined with focused outcomes, industry leading technology and a group of professionals including a producer, DOP, stylist, hair and make-up specialists, assistants and digital operators. 

My work includes architecture, development, luxury retail, airlines, transport, infrastructure, product, hotels, hospitality, food and beverage. I regularly shoot five star hotels, huge and tiny aircraft, lounges to shopping malls, catalogues to billboards, and just about everything in between.

We shoot regular assignments throughout Asia and the Pacific as an approved luxury photographer for the world’s leading hotel groups.

If you feel we can help you take your brand or business to the next level, or compliment your existing collateral and image library, let’s make our relationship one of those I value so greatly.

Justin Nicholas